Random Word Drabble Challenge | Fiction Shorts
The cats constellate outside the door
Is it better if you don’t know?
The word of the day is constellate.
The cats constellate outside the door, emoting insistently.
It’s been hours since they were last fed, and the rhythmic pounding is a mystery I’m afraid to uncover. What do they want? What are they trying to get into? What will they find?
I must have left the door open, because they aren’t supposed to be here. I’ve been so careful this first week, building my routine. Checking and double-checking my lists.
But I must have forgotten. And now I’m trapped.
The zoo is closed for the evening, but nobody thought to check the toilets before shutting off the lights.
Inspired by the Random Word Drabble Challenge | Fiction Shorts
Thank you, Nancy Oglesby!